Projectpage - Residence - Villa Hilvarenbeek

Villa Hilvarenbeek

Enlightened Mastery: Baas Architects and Maretti Lighting Transform a Residence.

In the birth of a masterpiece residence, the symbiosis between Baas Architects, a full-service architectural firm seamlessly integrating the disciplines of architecture, interior design, technology, and steel construction, and Maretti Lighting, the embodiment of lighting art, comes to life. Maretti Lighting, renowned for its craftsmanship, undertook the task of perfecting the lighting of this residence.

Maretti Lighting has realized the lighting of this residence with exceptional craftsmanship. Every nook and every space is bathed in a warm glow, thanks to Maretti's meticulous design. With an eye for detail and a deep understanding of space, the perfect fixtures were chosen to capture the essence of the architecture.

Interior: Baas Architecten
Photography: Nick Cannaerts | The Art of Living©